Treatment Options for Acne
Acne is one of the most common skin conditions your dermatologist treats. If you have acne, you deserve the services of a specialist in skin conditions. You need the expertise and care of a dermatologist.
Acne doesn’t discriminate. Acne blemishes can develop on the skin of teenagers and adults. They can show up on your back, chest, shoulders, face, and other areas of your body.
Acne is caused by excess oil, bacteria, dirt, and debris which fills up your pores, blocking your body from getting rid of waste when you sweat. Plugged and clogged pores eventually become:
- Blackheads
- Whiteheads
- Pus-filled cysts
Don’t try to pop or pick at your acne. If you do, you might develop ugly acne scars. Your dermatologist can help you get rid of acne, so you can enjoy clear skin. Your dermatologist may recommend:
Benzoyl peroxide medications to unblock pores; these medications are a good choice to treat blackheads or whiteheads.
Oral or topical antibiotics to kill underlying bacteria causing acne breakouts; antibiotic formulations are an excellent choice to treat moderate to severe acne, or cystic acne.
Isotretinoin products to clear up severe acne and cystic acne.
Laser and light therapy to kill bacteria causing your acne.
Extraction using extraction tool to remove the entire blemish.
If you develop acne scars, your dermatologist can help fade away and diminish the appearance of acne scars with several effective treatment options, including:
Chemical peels to slough off dead skin cells and fade scars one layer at a time; chemical peels show off vibrant, glowing skin underneath.
Laser resurfacing to penetrate into the deeper layers of skin, showing off smoother, clearer skin underneath.
Acne can affect your self-esteem and self-confidence. Don’t let it! Relief from your dermatologist is just a phone call away. To learn more about acne and acne scarring treatment options and how your dermatologist can help you enjoy clear, beautiful skin, call your dermatologist today.